Rabbit 2023 zodiac horoscope: What your Chinese zodiac sign means for you this year

Rabbit 2023 zodiac horoscope: What your Chinese zodiac sign means for you this year (Image: GETTY)
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The Year of the Rabbit begins in 2023 and for those with the zodiac sign Rabbit, here's what's in store over the next 12 months.


In the Chinese calendar, the New Year marks the transition between Chinese zodiac signs with the Year of the Tiger ending and the Year of the Rabbit beginning. Previous and upcoming years of the Rabbit are 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023, and 2035. If you were born in one of the years, then you are a Rabbit. Unlike Western astrology, Chinese Astrology have a popular superstition; that you will experience bad luck in your zodiac birth sign year, for example anyone born in the one of the years of the Rabbit, will experience bad luck next year. Here’s what’s in store for the Year of the Rabbit in 2023, in terms of career, wealth, love, and health. 

The Rabbit is the fourth of all the Zodiac animals and legend has it, the Rabbie was proud - even arrogant - of its speed.

In Chinese culture, rabbits represent the moon. Some say it is because the shadows of the moon resemble a rabbit, others say it is because of the rabbit’s pure characteristics.

People born in the year of the rabbit are believed to be vigilant, witty, quick-minded, and ingenious. 

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2022 was the Year of the Tiger, 2023 is the Year of the Rabbit (Image: GETTY)


Rabbits are said to “enjoy a greater range of opportunities in the workplace” in 2023. 

Chances are said to “come out of nowhere” but whether you success or not is “completely up to you and your hard work”.


Rabbit’s financial situation in 2023 will “show greater pressure” with income “slow to follow”. 

Potential career advancement is unlike to yeid financial gains until the latter half of the year or even 2024, astrologers suggest, so it’s “important that Rabbits keep tabs on their spending and don’t live above their means”. 

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The Rabbit will be protected in the love department in 2023, and can expect a “mostly stable and smooth year in terms of relationships”. 

For single Rabbits, this is a year “filled with abundant new potential partners”, some of which will emerge from exisiting frienships. 

For Rabbits already in a relationship, astrologers suggest keeping a “polite distance between you and any close friends” to avoid jealousy which “could lead to quarrels or even a break-up”. 

Instead, Rabbits in relationships shouold be “considerate of [a] partner’s feelings and needs”, because they will be the one showing comittment when difficulties arise later on in the year. 

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Chinese zodiac signs (Image: EXPRESS)


The official Chinese New Year website says 2023 “poses significant threats for the Rabbit’s health”. 

With so much work, and a “less than stellar financial situation”, Rabbits are likely to feel “upset, anxious or even depressed” throughout the next 12 months. 

But to overcome this, Rabbits need to free up mental capacity to focus on life’s “bigger challenges”. 

In terms of physical health, Rabbits should look out for previous illnesses, as they may return in 2023, so frequent check-ups are advised. 

Meditation or yoga should also be added to a Rabbit’s fitness regime to help stabilse mood. 

Lucky and Unlucky aspects 

Lucky numbers: three, four and six 

Lucky colours: Purple, blue, pink and red 

Lucky dates: 29, 27, 26 of each Chinese Lunar Month


Lucky flowers: Jasmine and Plantain Lily

Unlucky numbers: one, seven and eight 

Unlucky colours: white, dark yellow and dark brown