Bill must go through to end care home tyranny - EXPRESS COMMENT

This newspaper prides itself on being a champion of the elderly and the frail.

Mansfield: Elderly couple reunited at Baily House Care Home

In particular, we have campaigned vigorously on behalf of care home residents and their families to allow them to meet face-to-face without the sort of restrictions that were imposed during the pandemic. So we are encouraged that Lord Hunt's private members Bill has been tabled in the House of Lords to outlaw, as the Labour peer puts it, "unscrupulous and shameful practices... which care homes are allowed to get away with because they have virtually all the power."

The Bill will give residents the legal right to see their loved ones in what will be a riposte to care homes which have either banned or threatened to ban visits when residents have complained about their treatment.

Care Minister Helen Whately says that some 200 care homes continue to limit visits, but that number could be considerably higher because not all such institutions report their visiting rules.

To treat those who cannot live full, independent lives in such a way is not just disrespectful but plain wicked.

This Bill must be given the green light in the House of Commons and become the law without delay.

Daily Express comment

This Bill must be given the green light in and become the law without delay (Image: Getty)

Time for common sense

It is meant to be the season of peace and goodwill. Instead, the Christmas holiday period looks set to be plagued by strikes affecting key areas of life such as the NHS, airports and the rail network as unions refuse to back down on demands for above-inflation pay rises and guarantees about changing work practices.

The Government seems equally determined to stand its ground. Meanwhile, it will be confirmed today that military staff and civil servants will be drafted in to keep essential services going.

This stand-off is exactly what our country does not need at this time of financial crisis. What kind of message does this send out to the rest of the world about Britain?

We have just come out of a pandemic; there is a war going on in Europe; energy bills are soaring. These disputes must be resolved. Common sense must prevail.

Heroes in all weathers

Snow, freezing fog, ice and sleet are all making their presence felt as Britain endures a bout of Arctic weather. It's colder here than in Iceland - and yet it seems like only yesterday that we were talking about the unseasonal warm weather.

In the West Midlands, several youngsters were pulled from a lake yesterday after falling through ice and taken to hospital.

Our thoughts are with their families and we salute those members of the emergency services who put their own lives at risk to save as many lives as they could.