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Last time China worried about Covid millions died, today they seem terrified PAUL BALDWIN

The only thing you can guarantee with cast iron certainty when China speaks about Covid is that you are being lied to.

China: Men in hazmat suits grapple with resident in his home

That we probably live in a post-truth world is perhaps still one for our esteemed university academics and the tin-foil hatted conspiracy nutters online (although the distinction between the two is becoming increasingly blurred). But in China's dealings with both the wider world and its own people we can take it on the nod that barefaced lies are the only currency.

The Chinese Communist Party has been tying itself in knots trying to lock down its own people recently, clearly terrified Covid-19 was about to decimate the population.

Which is odd, because according to Beijing's official figures only three people have died.

Locking down a country with a population of 1.4Bn because three people have died?

You buying that?

No, me neither.

This weekend Chinese writer Fang Fang said she had been placed under house arrest for attempting to get information on China's covid crisis out - including crippled hospitals and over-flowing funeral parlours.

But then, since the very beginning Covid has been a lie and a cover-up.

It's an atrocity on the scale of Hitler's Holocaust or Stalin's purges.

In the 1940s the Nazi's knew they had perpetrated an unfathomable evil on the world and, as it became clear they were done for, tried desperately to cover-up their crimes against humanity.

Men in hazmat suits

China has been enforcing strict lockdown rules recently (Image: Getty)

Back then, while the world was still analogue, it was still possible for the truth to come to light. Today a combination of secret police violence and absolute control of information means that truth in regimes like China, if not quite dead, is fighting for its life in intensive care.

And never more so than in the case of the killer coronavirus Covid-19.

It would be a brave or foolish person who thought Covid had gone away.

China has always known where this deadly virus came from, it has always known what a threat to humanity it was, and it has always taken draconian steps to control it.

It has also done everything in its power to lie and subvert and misdirect the world's attention.

Very, very successfully.

Think back to 2019: months before the World Health Organization was taking Covid seriously the Chinese military, dressed head to foot in Hazmat suits, were bleaching entire towns like Wuhan in an attempt to preserve life.

At roughly the same time journalists like me received an official press statement from the WHO stating us journos should all calm down as there was definitely not going to be a pandemic.

After the world found itself in the grip of a pandemic - roughly the blink of an eye later - the WHO then compounded its crime (which really might not be too strong a word) by absolutely ruling out the possibility that Covid-19, which emerged in Wuhan, could be in any way linked to The Wuhan Institute of Virology, China's first and only biosafety level 4 laboratory whose staff were engaged in reverse-engineering the Covid-19 virus.

No link whatsoever.


Instead we were encouraged to believe Beijing was just unlucky that the country's wet market culture allowed a virus to somehow mutate in a Wuhan cafe and jump from a bat to a human creating the very virus they just happened to be experimenting with in the labs just a mile down the road.

And, god forgive us, enough of us did believe that.

Now of course the WHO has recommended a new investigation into links between the pandemic and the Wuhan lab.

But the Chinese have had not just weeks but years to destroy the evidence and cover their tracks.

I say all this not to attack the Chinese authorities - well, not solely.

But to point out they seem terrified by the new Covid outbreak. Indeed they have only loosened lockdown rules in the face of a possible revolution on the streets.

Last time the Chinese took Covid seriously, they weren't just whistling Dixie.

I fear if the Chinese authorities are terrified by this wave of Covid we might be wise to prepare for the worst too.