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‘Packed to the gills!’ Cruise passengers slammed by other tourists - ‘absolute worst’

Cruise holidays can be controversial and while many Britons love them, many others aren't so fond. Activists often complain that cruise passengers cause popular destinations to become overcrowded.

Royal Caribbean unveils new mega cruise ship for 2024

holidays are popular around the globe with many ships visiting top European and Caribbean destinations. But while the passengers might be enjoying their holiday, some locals aren’t so happy.

TRAVEL: Cruise protests

Cruise passengers have faced protests in destinations such as Marseille (Image: Getty)

On Reddit, a tourist said that Portofino in Italy was often overcrowded when cruise passengers visited the town. Portofino is situated on the stunning Italian Riviera.

The tourist said: “Portofino was the absolute worst! Nobody there was happy to see tourists. I can understand why. The place became an overcrowded nightmare after 11am.”

Another tourist said: “When we spent a week in Venice, we went out for coffee and breakfast then relaxed in the hotel for a few hours midday while the cruise tourists were in town and emerged for dinner once it was quiet again. It is a wonderful and completely different city in the evening.”

READ MORE: Cruise guest shares tip to avoid theft

TRAVEL: Portofino

Portofino in Italy can get very crowded during peak season (Image: Getty)

‘I’m a cruise expert - here's the best cruise cabin to book for luxury and location'

A luxury suite onboard a cruise ship is often a splurge many holidaymakers save for a special occasion. Author and blogger Elaine Warren, who runs The Family Cruise Companion, says there are even some ways you can get luxury at a discounted rate.

How can you save money on a luxury cruise? Find out HERE.

Although Venice used to get a lot of cruise tourists, the situation has changed since the city banned ships from entering the lagoon.

Cruise lines may still include Venice on their itineraries but will often dock the ship in nearby ports such as Ravenna and bus passengers to Venice.

The same tourist said: “Santorini also has absolutely no business trying to host six ships at once. I was recently there and it was packed to the gills with a single ship.”

Some popular destinations will have multiple ships dock each day and passengers may start to outnumber the town’s residents.

However, cruise passengers took a different view on the issue. One person said: “But cruises still remain a lot less expensive than flying into a destination and staying in a hotel.

“If you instead fly in, stay at an all inclusive corporate owned resort and never venture off the resort, how is that much better for the local economy?

“Also suggesting everyone just fly to a destination, rent a car and see the sights also ignores that some people are older and cannot drive like they did when they were younger.”

Cruise holidays may be a better option for older travellers as they are usually very accessible and crew are on hand to help.


TRAVEL: Santorini

A tourist complained that Santorini was far too busy (Image: Getty)

Another guest shared their own advice, saying: “I think the issue comes from how you spend your time in port. Going on cruise line excursions, using cruise line transportation and buying things from cruise line shops takes a lot of money from the port and into the corporations.

“I personally try not to have anything to do with the cruise line once my footsteps off the boat. Give your money directly to locals and you’re the same as any other tourist there.”

Passengers could boost the local economy by shopping or eating at local restaurants while they are in the port.

It’s also possible to book tours and excursions run by locals, rather than opting for those sold by the cruise line. However, some cruise lines will work with local companies.

TRAVEL: Largest cruise ports

The world's largest cruise ports (Image: Express)

A regular cruiser said: “It is unfair to say that locals do not benefit from the money cruises spend while in port.

“Do these cruisers pay taxes? Yes they do, which then gets spent on infrastructure or paying for the local police.

“When money stops flowing that is when you see issues, hence why a lot of cruise ports were begging for the return of cruise ships as they provide a substantial portion of money and jobs for the local economy.”

Cruise passengers will usually pay taxes at the ports they visit, however this money can be spent however the local authority decides.

Although it could be spent on boosting essential services, it may also be spent on tourist infrastructure or on the environment.