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Mike Pence 'appears' to launch 2024 bid but insiders warn filing was 'prank'

Mike Pence last week claimed he was giving a potential White House bid "careful consideration".

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Ex-Vice President Mike Pence appeared to launch his bid for the 2024 US Presidential Election but insiders warn that a filing to the Federal Election Commission (FEC) was a "prank". A statement of candidacy attributed to "Mr Mike Richard Pence" was uploaded onto the FEC's website on Boxing Day.

It revealed that the candidate, from Anderson in Pence's home state Indiana, was entering the 2024 race.

However, the 63-year-old's actual legal name was not reflected in the document, as the ex-Indiana Governor was born as "Michael Richard Pence".

Insiders have expressed some concern and provided clarity about the filing to the FEC.

Pence's spokesman Devin O'Malley said on Twitter: "Former Vice President Mike Pence did not file to run for President today."

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Mike Pence 'appears' to launch 2024 bid but insiders warn filing was 'prank'

Mike Pence 'appears' to launch 2024 bid but insiders warn filing was 'prank' (Image: Getty)

Donald Trump is the only candidate to officially launch his bid.

Ex-POTUS Donald Trump is the only candidate to officially launch his bid. (Image: Getty)

In a later exchange, he added: "I think someone pranked you."

A second source from his team told NBC News "this is not real".

A Republican strategist also told "I hope it's not some weird AI deal.

"If that's the case, this will be horrible. They'll do fake announcements."

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A statement of candidacy attributed to

A statement of candidacy attributed to "Mr Mike Richard Pence" was uploaded onto the FEC's website. (Image: Getty)

Mike Pence has been mulling over whether to enter the race against his former boss Donald Trump.

Mike Pence has been mulling over whether to enter the race against his former boss Donald Trump. (Image: Getty)

Mr Pence has been mulling over whether to enter the race against his former boss Donald Trump in recent months.

Speaking on the conservative Daily Wire show last week, he said: "I can tell you we are giving it careful consideration."

Pence added: "We are giving consideration about what role we would play, we are giving consideration about being a candidate.

"We are going to take the holidays to listen to one another as a family and then we are going to continue to travel around the country to listen to the American people."

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It revealed that the candidate, from Anderson in Indiana, was entering the 2024 race.

It revealed that the candidate, from Anderson in Indiana, was entering the 2024 race. (Image: Getty)

Pence fell out with Trump over the 2020 election and January 6 insurrection.

Pence fell out with Trump over the 2020 election and January 6 insurrection. (Image: Getty)

Pence fell out with Trump after the 45th President rejected the result of the 2020 election and the pair's feud directly preceded the January 6 riots.

Despite losing his "friend" after the 2020 election, the former Indiana Governor said he hoped the Justice Department would not bring criminal charges against the ex-POTUS.

However, the pair might still lock horns in the Grand Old Party's upcoming primary contest.

Opinion polls suggest Mr Pence is in third place in the race to become the Republican Party's nominee.

Devin O'Malley said:

Devin O'Malley said: "Former Vice President Mike Pence did not file to run for President today." (Image: Getty)

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis trailed Trump in second place on 27 percent.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis trailed Trump in second place on 27 percent. (Image: Getty)

A recent GOP primary survey by Big Village put Pence on around 10 percent of the vote.

The twice-impeached ex-President topped the poll on 51 percent.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis trailed Trump in second place on 27 percent.

Trump is the only candidate to officially launch his White House bid after he made his third successive "big announcement" at Mar-a-Lago in November.

A recent GOP primary survey by Big Village put Pence on around 10 percent of the vote.

A recent GOP primary survey by Big Village put Pence on around 10 percent of the vote. (Image: Getty)

The twice-impeached ex-President topped the poll on 51 percent.

The twice-impeached ex-President topped the poll on 51 percent. (Image: Getty)

Many Republican strategists believe the announcement was made after a lacklustre set of US midterm election results for the Republican Party in an effort to take momentum away from DeSantis.

Despite confusion about whether Pence filed his papers, GOP strategists appeared conflicted about what this could mean for the upcoming primary race.

A Republican fundraiser told "It's beginning to take shape for a volatile 2024."

A GOP strategist added: "We may lose because of division but at least we have an option."