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Princess Eugenie will likely 'eat less' in new home in Portugal to keep 'slender' figure

Princess Eugenie has an incredible figure after being criticised in her younger years for her weight. The royal now divides time between Portugal and the UK.

Princess Eugenie will continue to keep 'slender' figure in Portugal claims expert

Princess Eugenie will continue to keep 'slender' figure in Portugal claims expert (Image: GETTY)

, 32, splits her time between and the UK with her husband who has a job as a tequila ambassador. The Princess of York has never looked better in recent photographs, especially as she only gave birth to her son last year.

Now that Princess Eugenie will be spending time in a different country and perhaps eating a different cuisine than she would in the UK, a fitness expert spoke to to explain how much Eugenie's diet could change.

Sarah Campus, the founder of LDN MUMS FITNESS, claimed: "The Portuguese lifestyle is similar to that of a Mediterranean one. Many of the ingredients used in Portuguese dishes are healthy foods (fish, vegetables, fruits, herbs, grains, etc.), however, many of those healthy ingredients end up being fried rather than roasted or baked.

"It is therefore essential for Princess Eugenie to be selective with her food choices if eating out and entertaining should she wish to maintain her current slender and glowing state.

"The Portuguese have a love for olive oil which significantly benefits the body by being a powerful antioxidant, has strong anti-inflammatory properties, rich in monounsaturated fats and is not associated with weight gain or obesity and contributes to glowing hair, skin and nails. 

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Princess Eugenie has been unfairly teased for her weight in the past

Princess Eugenie has been unfairly teased for her weight in the past (Image: GETTY)

Eugenie now splits her time between the UK and Portugal

Eugenie now splits her time between the UK and Portugal (Image: GETTY)

"Princess Eugenie also needs to ensure she doesn’t eat too late as this is very typical for the Portuguese lifestyle. Eating late at night can lead to several health hazards like an increase in blood sugar levels, heart diseases, obesity and acidity.

"Basically, the later you eat, the less your body is prepared to sleep, which can also have adverse effects on your memory and efficiency for the next day.

"The Portuguese lifestyle can support one who is looking to maintain weight as it is predominantly small portions and fresh ingredients. Its warmer climate leads you to select healthier food choices and eat less."

Sarah expanded on the diet and exercise routines that Princess Eugenie generally follows when she is staying in the UK.


She added: "Princess Eugenie is a very adventurous eater and has a very diverse taste in food. She is an avid supporter of balanced nutrition paired with regular exercise, particularly HIIT training."

The Princess admitted this in an interview with Harper's Bazaar in 2016, saying: "I go to the park from 7am to 8am. I do circuits, which I love because they're quick: burpees, squat jumps, lunges, the whole lot.

"It's much better, as I can't run for a long time. Or I go with my best friend to this amazing, women-only gym called Grace Belgravia."

Sarah continued: "For breakfast, she is particularly keen on a freshly baked pastry. At lunch, she will always reach for the healthy option where possible but is also keen on vegetable pizza at dinner times."

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Portuguese diet is very healthy

Portuguese diet is very healthy (Image: GETTY)

In that same interview, Eugenie admitted that the "smell" of "the fresh croissants coming in" during her morning gym class is always a temptation.

Sarah suggested: "She prefers to cook for herself so she knows what’s in her food, but does enjoy dining out and enjoys chips, don’t we all! She particularly likes Italian food, but also other diverse cuisines too."

Eugenie admitted Italian food is one of her favourites by saying: "Two of my favourite restaurants in London are Bocca di Lupo and the Palomar in Soho. For dinner, when I'm being good, I cook my own food. When I'm being really bad, it's Basilico pizza."

Sarah further explained: "In terms of hydration, Eugenie's staple is tea, as well as coke and sparkling water, then on the alcohol form she will usually reach for vodka and soda, but also partial to a cocktail."

Mediterranean diet is very similar to Portuguese diet

Mediterranean diet is very similar to Portuguese diet (Image: EXPRESS)

The Princess indeed said in that same interview: “My favourite drink is vodka soda with loads of lime. Can’t beat that."

The fitness expert noted: "Princess Eugenie has maintained a steady weight, following her healthy nutritious eating and active HIIT training. Keeping up with consistency is the answer to maintaining a healthy sustainable weight."

In terms of Eugenie's workout routines, Sarah explained: "Regular HIIT training, she is a particular fan of squat jumps, burpees and lunges - a mixture of bodyweight and cardio. She exercises regularly, getting up at 6.45am and getting started at 7am - where she gets her circuits done and then it's done for the day."

Michael Brigo, a personal trainer Bri Go Personal Training, also spoke to to analyse Princess Eugenie's diet.

He said: "As it is known, Princess Eugenie has experienced her own transformational fitness journey and with a healthy diet. It’s very likely her exercise regime consists of HIIT (high-intensity interval training) doing circuits with a mixture of bodyweight cardio exercises such as jump squats, burpees, high knees and lunges – just to name a few!"