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Euro president’s foolish words are a danger to us all, says STEPHEN POLLARD

Unless you have an unusually obsessive interest in the European Union - which, thank heavens, most of us no longer feel the need to think about much since Brexit - the name Ursula von der Leyen may well mean nothing.

Von der Leyen left in awkward silence as EU diplomats fail to clap

She is a former German defence minister but, more relevantly, the current president of the European Commission. Her existence may have passed you by but, I am afraid, her role remains important to us even now we are outside the EU.

Take the stand-off over imports to Northern Ireland, which has already caused huge problems for devolved government there and which could get even worse.

Ms Von der Leyen’s outlook and behaviour matter to any hope of resolving the issue. Which is a deeply depressing thought, because the evidence shows that she is not part of the solution but is herself the problem – or a large part of it.

Last week she spoke to the Irish parliament to mark the 50th anniversary of Ireland’s membership of the EU. An easy gig, you might think – all that’s needed is a speech full of bromides and upbeat platitudes.

Well, no. Instead, the EC president launched into an extraordinary attack on the UK, comparing Ukraine’s war with Russia to Ireland’s “struggle for the right to exist” before it won independence from the UK.

Von der Leyen compared Ireland to Ukraine

Von der Leyen compared Ireland to Ukraine (Image: GETTY)

Here’s what she said: “This country [Ireland] knows what it means to struggle for the right to exist. Today, another European nation is fighting for independence. Of course, Ireland is far away from the front line in Ukraine. But you understand better than most why this war matters so much to all of us.”

Let’s leave aside for a moment the grotesque historical ignorance which makes such a comparison possible. Focus, instead, on what it reveals about her understanding of what is happening in Ukraine.

That she considers the two situations – Ireland’s relations with the UK and Ukraine’s war with Russia – the same explains a lot about the mindset of many in the EU, who go through the motions of announcing their support for Ukraine but who grab every opportunity to call for negotiations and who clearly want to bail on the Ukrainians as quickly as possible.

Yes, I mean you, Olaf Scholz and Emmanuel Macron – the heads of the two EU powerhouses Germany and France. A few months ago I was talking to a friend based in Brussels.

He is such a deep-seated Remainer that he changed his nationality after Brexit to remain an EU citizen. We were discussing the likelihood of an EU and UK agreement on Northern Ireland imports.

As he put it, you and I could draw up a deal within about 10 minutes that satisfied both sides. But he was nonetheless dismissive of the chances of an agreement. Why?

“There is a fundamental problem,” he said. “It’s what one might call a ‘thickness problem’. Von der Leyen, you see, is basically an idiot.” I shared this opinion with others, people who still spend time focused on the EU, and – let’s be polite – I did not hear much by way of disagreement.

So however grateful we may be that Brexit means the likes of Ms Von der Leyen no longer impinge on our daily conscious- ness, they do still matter. Her foolish words about Northern Ireland matter, not least because peace there remains fragile and misplaced words can have terrible consequences.

And what could be more misplaced and inflammatory than a comparison between the Irish relationship with the UK and Ukraine’s struggle to resist Putin’s invasion?

And they matter with regard to that struggle because, while the EU may have no formal role in defence policy, it is still important in standing up to Putin through sanctions and other non-military tactics.

Last week Olaf Scholz, the German Chancellor, spoke of his wish for a return to Europe’s “peace order”, before having an hour-long phone conversation with Vladimir Putin.

Scholz’s Germany has consistently dragged its heels on military support for Ukraine. And French president Macron’s words this weekend about Nato enlargement, saying the West must prepare “to give guarantees to Russia the day it returns to the negotiating table” could have been drafted by Putin, so closely did they echo Russia’s argument.

Whatever happens next in Ukraine – and we must do all in our power to resist appeasement through negotiation with Russia – the EU as a de facto state grouping neighbouring Russia will have a political role.

Which is why it is both dangerous and damaging that the EU’s most senior official is so utterly out of her depth that she can turn what was meant to be a polite celebration of 50 years of Irish EU membership into a potential diplomatic disaster. We might be out of the EU. But we are far from free of it.